Additional Resources

Need Assistance?

For your convenience, we're providing links that an American taxpayer might find useful both in dealing
with the current tax year and in planning for future tax years:

Federal Government

State of Oregon

Portland Metro
County Tax Information

The following sites provide a wealth of information concerning property and taxes in their jurisdictions.


Charitable Contributions

Before you donate to that charity, do your homework!   There is too much real need in the world for you to allow your generosity to be diverted for anyone's personal gain. At a minimum, remember:

  1. Know exactly who you're giving to. Many fake charities masquerade under names deceptively similar to legitimate charities.
  2. Check their record. Sites like (The Better Business Bureau),, and can provide a good feel for what your donation will actually be used for. Tip: Ratings for NATIONAL vs. LOCAL chapters of an organization can vary drastically.
  3. Protect your personal information. It is safest not to respond to e-mail solicitations, nor to give out credit card or other financial information over the telephone.

Small Businesses

  • Small Business Taxes & Management An online version of The Small Business Tax Review. Tax and management guidance for small and medium-sized businesses since 1980.

Professional Organizations

These organizations offer sound advice on how to select a trained tax professional:

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